Newcity names CQR Founder/editor Syed Afzal Haider to its “Lit 50, Who Really Books in Chicago 2019”

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Lit 50: Who Really Books In Chicago 2019, Newcity–Syed Afzal Haider, Founder and Senior Editor, Chicago Quarterly Review
“The twenty-fifth anniversary issue of the Chicago Quarterly Review is due this year. “From a very humble beginning it is gratifying that in the past few years the Chicago Quarterly Review has been honored by inclusion in ‘Best American Short Stories,’ ‘The O. Henry Prize Stories,’ the Pushcart Prize anthology, and ‘Best American Essays,’” founder Syed Haider says. “We owe much to our lively and devoted editorial staff, past and present.” Current staff includes senior editor Elizabeth McKenzie, fiction editor John Blades and managing editor Gary Houston. Special issues include a Chicago issue and 2017’s South Asian American issue guest-edited by Moazzam Sheikh. “We are proud of the growth of our magazine creatively and thrilled by our expanding readership all over the world.” Haider just published his second novel, Life of Ganesh.”